Working together to keep kids safe.
General Rules for all play areas
Play land is not supervised. Adults are responsible for, and must stay with children, at all times.
Help us keep our play area clean. All children and adults must remove their shoes before entering the play areas.
Be courteous to our neighbor businesses. No screaming, please.
All food, drinks, gum, and candy must be kept outside the play areas.
Stay off the walls and counters. Do not sit, walk, or stand on surrounding walls or counter tops of play areas.
Let’s play safe. No running, pushing, shoving, or other aggressive behavior.
Use of the play areas are at your own risk.
Treehouse Rules
The treehouse is for children 3-10 years old.
No children with diapers.
The treehouse is limited to 25 children at a time. Take turns if the treehouse is full.
For your safety, do not climb on the exterior of the treehouse. Serious injury could occur.
Do not climb up the slides. This could cause a collision with the children coming down who can’t see you.
Toddler Park Rules
The toddler area is for children 3 years old and younger.
Adults and children must remove shoes before entering.
No running in the toddler area for the safety of small children.
The benches are for sitting. Do not walk, bounce, or run on the benches.